
Spelling in 4F

In an effort to “Go Green” we are going to use Spelling City as our main resource for fourth grade spelling this year.

4F’s spelling week will go Wednesday to Wednesday.

The website for the spelling lists is www.spelling The spelling lists are on the spelling city website along with several practice activities and fun games that the children love! There is also a link that will take you directly to spelling city on the right side of this blog.

On Wednesday the children will take their test in the computer lab. The test will not be printed out if they get a perfect score and I will record the score in my grade book and write the score in their assignment notebooks (again going green) for parent information. If the child misspells a word they will print off their sheet and their score will be on the top.

Alternate Spelling lists will be given to students who get two weeks of perfect scores in a row. Continuation of alternate lists will be on a student to student basis.

Spelling activities will be given to all students. If the student is on the base list they will get a two sided spelling practice activity sheet for homework due on Wednesday. Alternate list spellers will get to choose a spelling activity from the alternate spelling activity list also due on Wednesday. Additional activities may be given to students who miss 5 or more words on the previous weeks test.