
Getting Ready to Test

During March, the students in fourth grade will be taking the ISAT test.
ISAT, stands for the Illinois Standards Achievement Test. The tests measure student progress in meeting the Illinois Learning Standards. The test results identify areas of strength and weakness for students and schools. The information helps educators and parents assist students to meet the Standards. Individual student reports of their test performance will be sent home for each child at a later date.

Please help your student prepare for taking these tests by

~having your child go to bed early

~making sure they are rested with a good night sleep

~solve any problems with family or friends before testing

~talk to your child about concerns they have about the test

~eating a healthy breakfast

~bring to school a healthy snack and water

~remind your child to try their best

Owl Novel Studies

The fourth graders will be using 5 different novels about owls for their novel studies. Each child will be reading one of the following novels;
* Owl’s in the Family by Farley Mowat
* There’s an Owl in the Shower by Jean Craighead George.
* Poppy by Avi
* A Toad for Tuesday by Russell Erickson
* The Capture by Kathryn Lasky
~Ask your child which owl book they are reading!~

Owl’s in the Family is a funny story about the adventures of Wol and Weep, two owls that become part of Billy’s family and neighborhood. The personalities of these two owls are very comical.
There’s an Owl in the Shower is about Borden whose father is a logger and can’t work or cut down trees because the trees are the homes to the owls. Bardy the owl was found as an owlet by Borden and taken home to his family.
Poppy is about, Ocax a great horned owl that has promised to protect the mice occupying an abandoned farmhouse. Poppy, a timid dormouse, embarks on a dangerous and eye-opening quest, which ends with her one-on-one battle with Ocax. In an engaging blend of suspense, this fantasy is irresistible.
A Toad for Tuesday is about a toad named Warton who wants to visit his aunt on the other side of the woods but his trip is interrupted by an owl who would like to eat Warton. It is story filled with warmth and humor.
The Capture by Kathryn Lasky is about little Soren, a barn owl captured by two ruthless hench-birds, taken to the St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls. Fortunately, Soren has an elf owl friend to help him get by. Soren's tale is suspenseful.

The children will love getting to know the owls’ personalities in these books. They will be impressed with how much more they will learn about owls from these novels. The children will be reading and doing daily activities about their novel. We will be engaging in large and small group discussions in literature circles for the entire novel.
The children are really enjoying this in-depth study of owls. They will be researching, discussing, and dissecting.


The 4th grade ISAT session schedule:
Testing will take place in the mornings only
Tuesday, March 6th
Reading & Math
Wednesday, March 7th
Reading & Math
Thursday, March 8th
Reading & Math
Friday, March 9th
Science & Science

LUNCH times and Specials times remain the SAME for FOURTH grade!

February Book Review

February's book review is on a Realistic or Historical Fiction book.  This report is due on February 28th.

Multiplication and Division

Continued practice of multiplication and division facts each night are necessary for every child. Below are some fun websites to help the practice along.
www.emgames.com www.aplusmath.com


Spelling in 4F

In an effort to “Go Green” we are going to use Spelling City as our main resource for fourth grade spelling this year.

4F’s spelling week will go Wednesday to Wednesday.

The website for the spelling lists is www.spelling city.com. The spelling lists are on the spelling city website along with several practice activities and fun games that the children love! There is also a link that will take you directly to spelling city on the right side of this blog.

On Wednesday the children will take their test in the computer lab. The test will not be printed out if they get a perfect score and I will record the score in my grade book and write the score in their assignment notebooks (again going green) for parent information. If the child misspells a word they will print off their sheet and their score will be on the top.

Alternate Spelling lists will be given to students who get two weeks of perfect scores in a row. Continuation of alternate lists will be on a student to student basis.

Spelling activities will be given to all students. If the student is on the base list they will get a two sided spelling practice activity sheet for homework due on Wednesday. Alternate list spellers will get to choose a spelling activity from the alternate spelling activity list also due on Wednesday. Additional activities may be given to students who miss 5 or more words on the previous weeks test.


Welcome to the 4F BLOG!

About the Blog...

  • I will be updating the Blog as much as I can.

  • It is a great way for everyone to know what is happening in our classroom and a great way for the children to share all of the wonderful things they do in school each day!

  • Feel free to check it out anytime!

  • The children will be able to participate in this Blog. They will be adding book reviews, book recommendation, and anything we come up with to add as a class.

  • I can't wait to add new pictures of this years class to the Blog!

  • If you are going to be in 4F this school year I am SO excited!

  • Keep reading, writing and practicing multiplication facts!

  • I can't wait to meet my new class and have the school year BEGIN!